Monday, August 30, 2010

Yeah, yeah I know!

So, in light of the recent move from our old Apt. to our NEW place (closer to my favorite comic book shop I might add!)  I am not able to complete a "Draw A Character: This Week..." I know it's sounds like a cop out, but With a full-time job, Full time Fiance', Full-time son, and boxes full of crap from here to the ceiling, I can't find time to start it up. We are still getting left-over stuff from the old place. And NOW, we have less time than expected to vacate the old place. ANYWAYZ. See you NEXT week hopefully! I am also working on acquiring INTERNET access at home now that we've moved. I'm sending THIS post from work. (Shhh! Don't tell my boss!)


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Finished Drawing!!! KRATOS!!!

Alright! I'm finally finished drawing! *Applause* This is the final drawing of the God of War Main Man: Kratos. It took a lot of time, and a lot of arguing with my fiance' but I got it done. I'm sure she'll tell you that it is good to FINALLY be done with it. Well, hope you like...OH! and I also including more....POST-IT SKETCHES!!!!AAARRRGH!!!*LOL* Next week: ??? (You'll SEE!)

I've never drawn anything this big and detailed. (I know I'm a wuss! *LOL*) But I will be tackling more things like this (and hopefully more difficult ones) and just start building the foundation of a cool artist.... Thanks for being patient! After I get enough done, I'll start learning (relearning) the inking stages, then maybe even move on to coloring some of them. But that's down the road. So for now....


These are getting really fun to do! *L* More to come!


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Draw a Character: This week....KRATOS!!

Hey, My Fiance' LOVES God of War (trilogy). So, in honor of her Bloodthirsty hunger for all things Spartan an Violent, I have decided to "Draw a Character" Each week. This week is of course KRATOS the Greek God Killer! Yeah, he's cool, and pretty simple enough to draw, but it's getting the RIGHT scene. Soemthing that's going to capture the ESSENCE of the character. I'm going to TRY and draw a Different Character each week, and try to get them in a SCENE (I need practice on background scenery), So HOPEFULLY I don't cop out and do a one shot posey style pic of anyone....So, ON TO KRATOS...These are the first sketches I came up with. I did these yesterday. I love having a WHOLE day to just draw, PLUS I bought new art supplies which ALWAYS gets me in the mood for drawing....So, without further delay.....

Just a little practice.....

Checked the internet for different possible poses....

Just more character study....where tattoos go and such...

Defining my style on the character....yeah I think I've finally started developing one, although it's still needs work.....

I love this pic. It's the first one BUT it's a one shot! No story at all being told. SO, back to the drawing board...(Yeah I know a little "Joe Mad"-like....)

Ok, THIS is the scene I went with. Kratos climbing out of hell after he's been sent there for the UMPTEENTH time and the arms of tortured souls grabbing and clawing at him *LOL*.... I'll be drawing this on Bristol Board and adding as much background detail as I can to make sure I get the practice... Well, That's all for now. Hopefully by Sunday i'll be done, and ready to start another character (maybe female? Who knows! I've always had trouble drawing Hot heriones! Time to GET'ER DONE!)

HELP KEEP ME MOTIVATED!! Comment, or email me to let me know you're out there!


Monday, August 16, 2010

Post-It Note Sketches!

I've been SO busy lately...Ok, ok, I've been lazy. I haven't had a really good inspiration to draw lately, BUT I have been practicing in photoshop painting...This is very crude, and I'm still getting the hang of it. ALSO I have POST-IT SKETCHES! I'll be putting these up almost every few days. If I can't do ANYTHING I can AT LEAST sketch something in between customers at work! *LOL*

"A Study in Blue" *LOL*

Me as a bear....

All I had were PINK Post-its! *LOL*

Not sure WHAT I was going for here.....*L*

Stay tuned there is some GOOD stuff in the works....I PROMISE!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Just stuff....the RANDOM kind.

Hey whoever is reading this (or is it WHOMever? Anyways) Who or Whom ever may be checking out the site, Welcome back. I know I haven't posted anything in a little bit, and I Humbly Apologize (especially to those few who ACTUALLY come here often!) So here are a few projects I've worked on over the last few years.......

This is most recent. Thanks to Shelby at the Fantasy Shop For the Awesome Character. It was REALLY cool and Fun to draw. I'm trying to learn more about referencing material to make the characters come to life more. I am still a bit too "2D", but with some time and maybe a tutorial or two (or ten) I'll be making my own comics soon.

Here are some RANDOM things I've worked on in the past...ENJOY! (yeah I know its a cop out, I haven't had a lot of time to DRAW! We're moving soon so we've been PACKING! SUE ME!*LOL*)