Monday, September 13, 2010


Hey all,
Thanks for sticking with the blog, I have things in the works for you all. I have picked my Subject for the next "Draw A Character: This Week...." So On Thursday I will start it up, I have chosen (with some help from the fellas at the Fantasy Shop) STARSCREAM! Now THIS one was a hard choice for me. I have the Male anatomy pretty well taken care of (pause), But I don't have a good grasp on The Basics of Perspective and Mecha-style work. So I will be Practicing! In this piece I will incorporate 3 elements I have trouble with....

1. Buildings in perspective with other things like People and Objects
2. Robots
3. Women

Now, I know what you're saying, "Hey Joe, MOST comic artist draw WOMEN REALLY well, why is it YOU don't?"
Well, I'd say SHUT UP! To you. *LOL* Just kidding. I just have grown up drawing superHEROES not HEROINES. Which I plan on rectifying. So, My next Sudject will most likely be Feminine. We'll see WHO jumps out at me, after I finish this one.

ANYWAYS, That's whats going on. So, Thursday I will post the reference sketches and doodles, until I get a definite rough for the scene....Check back later!


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A Little surprise...

I have this project I've been working on, and I THINK I FINALLY finished it. It's 1am my back is KILLING me, and the clicking and typing is agitating both my fiance' and son who are BOTH asleep right now. So, I am PROUD to announce my FIRST FULLY-COLORED PIECE! I am Extremely excited and I've never REALLY got this detailed before. Hope you all like it!! This Character was created by a guy named Shelby that works at The Fantasy Shop a Comics and Gaming shop I frequent. Drawing/semi-inks by me initially, and Colors (FINALLY) by me also! This is HIS commission piece. HERE HE IS! Lucius the Battle Elf!

Took about 3 days....I REALLY like doing this. It's TEDIOUS AS ALL GET OUT, but I had fun!
Hopefully next week I'll be back to my "Draw A Character: This Week...." So Have a GOOD NIGHT!!